Financial expertise | Parenting plans | Asset division

Mediation for Smart Couples

45% of women and 21% of men suffer a drop in standard of living after a divorce.
Resolve your domestic dispute with effective divorce mediation and financial knowledge.

45% of women and 21% of men suffer a drop in standard of living after a divorce. Resolve your domestic dispute with effective divorce mediation and financial knowledge.

Save your money

Using a lawyer is not always necessary and can be costly. Choosing a mediator and certified divorce financial analyst will guide you through your transition.

Resolve your dispute

Receive a professional, personalized approach to help resolve your dispute. Always in your best interest.

Secure your future

Save money and receive customized financial knowledge to help you through a difficult transition.

Accredited & Proven

The State of Indiana requires extensive training and approval by the Indiana Supreme Court for a mediation license. Apart from state approval, Mediation by Design boasts several other qualifications.

CFP credential
Indiana Supreme Court credential

Mediation Services

No matter your need and situation, Mediation by Design’s expert mediators can help.

Mediation discussion between a couple

Divorce legal & paperwork

First and foremost, to finalize your divorce, the paperwork must be submitted to the state. Don’t worry about a thing – We will walk you through this step.

Parenting timelines

Even if you’re already separated, we help parents coordinate their schedules, roles, and responsibilities.

Divison of assets

One of the main elements of a divorce proceeding is financial. Our mediators can help you reach your goals with ease and confidence.

Family mediation

Making plans for your parents or yourselves? Ease the transition with support from Mediation by Design.

Marital mediation

Every couple has the ability to overcome their challenges. Need a little support? Our expert mediators can help in any stage of the marriage – before, during or after.

Schedule your consultation

We’ll determine if Mediation by Design is the right fit for you and your unique situation. It’s important to serve you in all the right capacities you need.


Divorce mediation


Attend your mediation

Across a series of meetings with our experts, you’ll work to resolve your conflict and set a clear path forward for yourself, your partner, and your children. Mediation is 100% professional and confidential.

File your paperwork

Come to an agreement as painlessly as possible. Choose Mediation by Design to handle your dispute.


Paperwork filing after mediation
Mediation signatures and paperwork

What's the Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer & a Mediator?

First, you’ll save money and time during a mediation process. Learn about the other differences in this free download.

Mediation by Design Melissa and Dean Weseli

Schedule your consult